Tuesday, March 9, 2010

RR5: Teaching's Revolving Door

This was an interesting article and really got me thinking about where I want to teach. It makes a strong argument for the urban and rural schools of the US and how our minority and lower socio-economic citizens get less services when they should be getting extra. We are under-serving the people who need our help the most and creating rifts between classes that will only continue to create violence and unrest in our communities. Furthermore we are populating those under-performing, under-supplied, and under-respected with our first year novice teachers. The result is the only thing it could be, the teachers run away screaming. They fail and everyone says, "yeah, well of course you did. You're just supposed to be babysitting. Make sure the kids are safe." I really was intrigued by the program in Chicago to bring teachers to under-performing schools. I think that would be great in California. I started to apply to teach for America but heard that they really don't provide the same mentorship as what it sounds like Chicago is offering. I would like to teach all over the world and hope to have experiences that change not only the conditions for those who are under-served but also to change me as a person. I love learning about culture; it is my passion.

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