Thursday, March 11, 2010

Discipline Plan

Be Respectful-the logical consequence is that the student would have to think about why something was considered disrespectful, how it affects others, and what they will do to change in the future. A natural consequence will be that people may like that student less the more often it occurs.

Try your hardest-the logical consequence is that the grades will reflect the effort that is put into the work. The natural consequence is that the work and learning that is done won't be at its highest potential and the student will have missed an opportunity to achieve and improve.

Care-the logical consequence with again be the reflection of the student's grades. The natural consequence with be that the student will cease to have an investment in their community and even life itself. Caring is crucial to our sustenance.

Speak Up (especially when you disagree)-the logical consequence is that the student's participation grade would suffer. The natural consequence is that things will not be as they wished they were. If we don't speak up then we are doomed to get whatever those who do speak up want for us.

Have fun- the logical consequence is that the students will not have fun. The natural consequence is the same. Sometimes people just have to be reminded that they are in control of where they are on the spectrum.


  1. I think all of these are great. We just need to be sure that studnet's grades do actually reflect how hard they try because sometimes they are going to try and still not do that well.

  2. I love these, it shows that you have a desire to create a sense of community in your classroom where students feel comfortable to try new things and make mistakes.

  3. I think that your plan shows who you are, your expectations and your willingness to help the students. The five are fair, easy to follow and students should be ok with your expectations.

  4. Love your expectations. Seems like you will have a great classroom environment for you and your students!

  5. I really like "speak up" and I think you will give your students interesting material that they will have strong opinions about!
